An intriguing new feature has emerged in MSI's Click BIOS 5 interface. Chi11eddog shared this discovery on social media, posting a BIOS screenshot from a friend who recently acquired the new Z790 Ace Max motherboard. The screenshot shows a menu called "P-core Beyond 6 GHz+" with a clock speed of 6.3 GHz. This has led to speculation that MSI has implemented a quality of life update for its high-end MAX motherboard series. The leaked screenshot indicates that the overclocking process for Intel K-series processors has been simplified at the menu level. However, this level of treatment comes at a high cost. The current version of MSI's MEG Z790 ACE E-ATX motherboard has a manufacturer's suggested retail price of $699.99. It remains to be seen when this feature will be available in lower-tier motherboard families.

The refreshed board appears to be designed for the upcoming "Raptor Lake Refresh" SKUs, including the 14th Core i9-14900K and KF variants. Previous leaks suggest that these powerful processors are capable of reaching clock speeds of 6.0 GHz and beyond, as indicated by MSI's P-Core 6 GHz+ option. VideoCardz points out that Intel's current-gen Core i9-13900KS CPU offers high clock speeds at a premium price, making it the top desktop SKU from Intel. However, the upcoming 14th Gen flagship chips will be the first to achieve such impressive clocks through Thermal Velocity Boost, without being part of an elite variant tier like the Special Edition KS.